Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hello there and welcome to my blog! I've created this as a way to keep my current clients updated on what I'm doing and also attract future clients. If you find what I have to say interesting, please pass it along to your friends!

Done with the swim portion of the Ironman Florida triathlon 2006!

A bit about myself: I am a personal trainer/group exercise instructor/triathlon coach living in Nashville, TN. I've been involved in the fitness industry for the last 9 years. I started out teaching indoor cycling classes, then transitioned into personal training and triathlon coaching. My certifications include:

--CPR-certified through the American Red Cross

--Certified Spin instructor through Madd Dogg Athletics

--National Strength and Conditioning Association - Certified Personal Trainer

--USA Triathlon Level 1 Certified Coach

I work very well with triathletes and marathon/half-marathon runners who would like to incorporate strength training into their training schedules, and with personal training clients interested in losing weight and/or toning up. As a triathlon coach, I excel at helping my clients fit the training they need to do in with their "normal" work, family and social lives and still meet their race goals.

Growing up, I was not an active kid - very far from it. I used to sit on the couch and cross-stitch for hours on end, and my after-school snack was 2 hot dogs. I decided to sign up for step aerobics in college for my PE credit, hoping that if I forced myself into it I would grow to like it. (Note: I generally would not recommend doing that, as an activity that you don't like doing doesn't usually become a habit!) Worked like a charm! I added Weight Watchers into the mix and lost my excess weight. Fast forward 19 years and here I am: 70 pounds lighter, 3-time Ironman triathlon finisher, and loving my job in the fitness industry! Who would've thunk it?!??

Kicking it in towards the finish line at the Music City Triathlon, July 2009!

In my personal, non-athletic life, I have been married to my husband for 11 years and we have a 9-year old son. He (my husband, that is, not my son) is a marathon runner so he understands the important role exercise plays in my life. Our son, who has autism, enjoys horseback riding and being on the local Special Olympics swim team. I think that being a mother to a child with special needs and having a husband who has to have his workout time has provided me with one of my strengths: helping clients juggle their workouts with their family time and other commitments and not lose their minds doing so. An exercise habit has to be supported by your family members and/or significant others for it to stick and be a positive experience!

That's it for my introduction - hope you enjoyed reading! Stay tuned for things like:

--information about upcoming training groups
--tips on general fitness
--client success stories
--stories of my own adventures in triathlon and running

Have a wonderful day!!!

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