Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

Hi there and Happy Wednesday! Here in Nashville it's been quite dreary - drizzle, grey skies, cool temps. Perfect weather for staying indoors and playing on the computer (after a great strength training workout, of course!). I thought I'd make a list of what I think are my Most Frequently Asked Questions:

1. You're a triathlete. I have no desire at all to be a triathlete. Can you still work with me?
--Heck, yeah! I understand that swimming, biking, running don't appeal to the masses and that's cool with me. I work with stay-at-home moms, small business owners, college students, and tennis players. As long as our personalities jive and you like my style of training, then I know I can help you get the results you're looking for.

2. So - what is your style of training?
--I like to incorporate a lot of core training into what I have my clients do because our core plays such a major role not only in our athletic endeavors but also in our everyday lives. I tend to stay away from most of the standard strength training machines (bench press, leg extension, etc) and instead strive to give you workout routines that involve either dumbbells or your own body weight. If for some reason you can't make it to a training session with me, I'd love you to have something you can do at home so we can continue to make progress towards your goals. Another thing I like to do is base our training sessions on time goals rather than on number of repetitions. Doing as many reps of an exercise (with good form, or course!) for 40 seconds is a much better way to gain muscular endurance and shed fat than counting reps. Besides - do you really want to hear me count down from 10 or 12 or 15 over and over and over again for an hour??? I think not. I'd like to save my voice for giving you tips on proper form or words of encouragement (or talking to you about the many trashy reality TV shows I watch!)!

3. Where do you do personal training?
--I've got access to a great personal training studio on 21st Avenue near Hillsboro Village. As my client, all you have to do is pay my personal training fee, show up in your workout clothes and be prepared to give me your best effort - that's it! No studio fees, no memberships. We're located right off of the interstate so it's very easy to get to. And if you're meeting me before work, we've got locker rooms with showers and towels so you don't have to go back home. If you'd rather train in the comfort of your own home, I can come to you. I own a lot of fun toys that I can bring over to your house!!!

4. What hours do you work?
--My schedule is fairly flexible during the mornings, early afternoons and evenings. Just contact me and we can work something out, I'm sure.

5. How often do your clients train with you?
--I've got clients who work with me once a week and others who are with me 2-3 times each week. It all depends on what your goals are and how motivated you are to doing homework assignments I give you. Again, I like to create workouts that don't involve much equipment so that you can do them on your own, but if you need me to hold you accountable, then 2-3 times a week is the best way to get the quickest results.

6. Do you give guidance on nutrition?
--I am not a dietician so I will not give you a specific "diet" to follow. (Diet is such a bad word anyway. It's just one letter away from "die".) However, I can give you tips on how to clean up your eating and make wiser, healthier choices. Remember - I'm the girl who used to eat 2 hot dogs every day after school when I was a kid, so I know all about cleaning up bad eating habits!

7. In your first post, you mentioned something about training programs. Can you tell me more?
--Aha - got your interest peaked, huh? Stay tuned! Information on winter training groups will be posted within the next 2 weeks!!!

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