Friday, November 6, 2009

Big weekend for Team Honeycutt!!!

This weekend is a big one for several clients of mine. Stan will be competing in his first Ironman triathlon, Ironman Florida. Over the summer he put in the long training hours mainly by himself. I have trained for Ironman races both with a group and by myself. The group is definitely the more fun way to go, but I think the solo training that Stan has done has prepared him mentally for the long day he'll have tomorrow. An Ironman triathlon is 90% mental, so you gotta be ready for it. He and his father have been in Panama City since Wednesday, and he's loving every minute of it. One text I received from him read: "Fit people are everywhere. I'm in heaven."

Another client, Keith, will also be competing in his first Iron distance triathlon, Beach 2 Battleship in Wilmington, NC. This is not an Ironman-sanctioned event but the distances are still the same - 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run. This race is a new one, just a year or two old, and it's gotten some stellar reviews. I just got off the phone with Keith, and he sounds fine and ready for tomorrow. Today it's windy but the forecast is calling for those winds to die down overnight. Keeping my fingers crossed for that! It's also going to be a little chilly, but Keith is ready - legwarmers and armwarmers to start out with (which he'll be able to take off once the temperatures rise), and he'll be putting newspaper down his top Tour de France-style to shield his core from the cold. I've warned him not to throw that paper on the side of the road just anywhere when he's ready to get rid of it as that would be a rule violation (littering) and he could receive a time penalty. His plan is to give it to one of the volunteers at an aid station: "Here, I'm done with the Sports section. You can have it." HA!

Dee will be competing in a half Iron-distance triathlon, Miami Man, on Sunday. She did this race several years ago and has made fitness gains since then, so she's hoping to improve her time. She had an old injury flare up in the last couple of weeks that forced her to cut back on her running and her riding outside, but she's been doing well this week and is ready to go on Sunday. I know from experience that sometimes forced rest is the best thing to help you go faster - I hope it pays off for her.

I will be racing as well - the Clarksville Half Marathon Clarksville Half Marathon tomorrow. Because it's in Clarksville it should be flat, but the race website describes the course as rolling. We're going to have beautiful weather so it should be a good morning.

And while Steve won't be racing this weekend, he'll be having a big time - last couple of days of heavy training before his taper to Ironman Cozumel starts! We got a chance to run together earlier this week. He's been doing great with his training but he says he's ready for the taper to start. Steve - you're about to have your wish granted. Woot!

Good luck to all of the Team Honeycutt athletes this weekend! May the waters be calm, the wind be at your back, and your legs be fresh and fast!!!

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